Your Boss or You?

Who is in charge of your life?
Why do you leave your house every morning?
What is your motivation and drive?
Do you find yourself complaining?
Was it not the choice you made?
Didn’t you sign up for it?
How long should it linger?
Can’t anything be done about it?
Who are you working for?
What impact does your input have on your remuneration?
Do you have time for the things you love?
Who evaluates your productivity?
Who sets your goals and targets?
Do you enjoy hitting your targets and meeting your goals?
Would you rather be doing something else?
Are you at your peak or are you in a process?
Are you maximizing your potentials?
Are you improving your skills?
Are you always under tension?
Are you free?
Isn’t freedom a choice?
What are you waiting for?
If you don’t like it, why are you still there?
If you love it, why aren’t you giving it your best?
Are you being deprived of time and expression?
Isn’t it time to make amends?
Why don’t you change your ways now?
Aren’t some questions worth asking?
Shouldn’t you have a choice or take certain decisions?
Even if you are incompetent, can’t you choose your consultant?
Are you stuck?
Am I making sense?
Are you getting the point?
Won’t you ask yourself such critical questions?
Would you take it or leave it?
Doesn’t it matter?
For how long will it linger?
Wouldn’t it affect the future?
Isn’t your opinion of any value?
Can’t you enjoy the things you consider as enjoyment?
Were you subjected or did you submit willingly?
Is there really and end to questions?
Can’t the correct answers bring the desired results?
Can questions go without answers?
Isn’t life all about questions and anwers?
Apart from thinking, feeling, wishing, hearing and talking, isn’t there room for acting?
Don’t wise people read between the lines?
Aren’t you wondering how this affects you?
Shouldn’t you stop imagining those that these words can help and first see how they can help you?
Are you wondering if I’m doing the same?
Does it really matter what others would think about it?
Isn’t it worth evaluating?
Shouldn’t a more experienced and successful mentor consider these thoughts with me?
What do you think?

Nnamonu Tochukwu.

About teeceecounsel

Who am I really? Can that be defined yet? Probably by the time I'm long gone and all the pieces of my activities are compiled and analysed then you can know what you want to know about me. Meanwhile, I write. Not because I love writing but because I love people. I love to care and love to share. I'm a deep thinker and I love to believe in the impossible. The ideal is attainable and a shot at it must be given. Don't say 'It won't work' rather ask 'how will it work? Nobody is ever doomed unless they made the choice. To resist good and to adopt evil is already doom. To loose hope is to choose doom but to believe that every step is a passing phase leading towards your hope is to choose progress. I may go on and on but my posts say it all. I don't force you to agree, I only say enjoy!
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4 Responses to Your Boss or You?

  1. Oh wow. So much to meditate on.

  2. Liza V. says:

    THANK YOU for those insightful and thought provoking questions; i will be answering all of these for me to reflect, i am grateful that you shared a project for your viewers to build on in a sense; since this is not confession time and you haven’t answered the questions you ask – i shy away from sharing all my answers – the first question alone; makes me wonder – who really is in charge? well my boss gets paid for being my boss; i get paid for listening to my boss; in a sense – neither of us are in charge – neither is the employer who pays us…we have merely agreed on a service charge for our time based on the market…i am positive my boss doesn’t want to be in my shoes (my paycheck) and i don’t want to be in hers (her expectations to lead and change as well as revolve all her time around the higher paycheck; not feeling really free….

    • It really is good to take out time to think and answer certain questions. Many things in life either happen or don’t happen because certain questions are either unasked or unanswered.
      You have done a good job with the portions you adressed and I’m sure you’ll keep thinking and setting things right; I’m sure doing the same. Keep it up!

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